Thursday, January 04, 2007

Mystery Black Boxes

Black boxes seem to play an important role in many close encounters. These alien black boxes seem to have multiple functions from mind control to transportation. In other instances, the boxes appear to be innocuous breathing apparatuses protecting alien physiology from our atmosphere, or perhaps, vice -versa.

Over the past fifty years, we have seen growing indications that alien encounters with humans are increasing, even though aliens are not supposed to exist. We are getting a clear message that whatever the alien reality ultimately proves to be, it affects human beings and our world. The only way we will discover the truth is to keep searching and investigating. As the encounters are more frequently reported, we have a broader database with which to work in identifying emerging patterns and in forming hypotheses from them.

For instance, we have noted that aliens use a variety of devices for a variety of reasons in their earthly encounters with humans. We have learned that some aliens wear protective gear - helmets, tubing, containers and "diving suits"; some aliens give abductees a type of medical scan with a large eyelike machine; while other aliens use pen- like or cylinder-like devices to stun humans into a state of paralysis.


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