Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Chav Leakers’ Alley

Someone (must be the Baxter) has sent him a click of Horny Dog on a New Year binge. Looks like Horny Dog’s found a game bitch to perform the task at hand down some Chav Leakers’ Alley. Comes the critical moment surmounting the haunches of said bitch when the accident happens. A projectile of what looks disturbingly like dinner of putrid green mucous that has been consumed in a hospital for cold sufferers and consumptives is launched from his heaving guts; which perhaps explains why his bitch has vacated the premises in such a hurry.

Apropos the above, he writes:

Kola, I know you just had enough of me getting off on my own monkey! – Why, I cheerfully admit to hogging the wraparounds! Inter ales, some very important information is being disseminated at this very moment on the Internet. (So if you will accept my sincerest – most heart-felt apologies, the Doc will endeavour to search that forgotten Christmas present that was on my mind – I swear on Mad Mustafa’s God - before it became so entangled in eyeballing the scenes above as below.)


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